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Jack Daniels

This is Jack. He is a 4 year old Maine Coon. In case you can't tell by the name, I got him shortly after I turned 21. He is to blame for me being a crazy cat lady.


At the time, my ex had two older cats, I believe they were cats that belonged to his father, when his father moved he ended up with them, so they were very old and very anti-social. I remember thinking "why would anyone ever get a cat??"


My friend Alyssa and I ended up finding a black and white kitten (Stella), who still wasn't the most social.  I still prefered the dog. Then Alyssa and I decided to recue THIRTEEN kittens. We found all of them homes except the largest one with the ripped ear, who we decided to keep. 


He is the best cat ever! He gave me the cat addiction. He plays with dogs, cats anyone. Jack weighs 25 lbs, and although Pete refers to him as "Fat Jack" he doesn't let it bother him. 



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